Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Clarification":
"4. Members of Council will accurately and adequately communicate the attitudes and decisions of Council, even if they disagree with the majority decision of Council"
To the extent that disagreeing opinions can be flaunted on Councillor's blogs or websites to the point that they become preachy!
The aforementioned No. 4. is from the Code Of Conduct.aka
It means; even if a Councillor disagrees with a majority decision of Council;
Even if logic in the majority decision is entirely lacking, in the opposing Councillor's opinion;
Even if reasons for the decision, can't be proven but highly suspect.
Even if rational offered by members of the majority is entirely spurious. Like observing that traffic runs east and west and north and south.
A Councillor in opposition is required to accurately and adequately communicate the attitudes and decisions of the majority.
My daughter Theresa has gone out to plant trees in Aurora this morning. The program is sponsored by Neighbourhood Network.
Trees are supplied by Conservation authorities. The man power for the project are young people from Aurora. Thousands are planted.
The Mayor's Litter gathering project is to-day. Also with the help of children from our schools.
The first year both projects were scheduled, the Mayor. with majority support refused to allow trees to be planted in Aurora
because it was the same day of the Mayor's anti-litter project.
I did not vote with the majority.
I could elaborate on what I believe to be the attitude of the Mayor and loyal courtiers. I would derive a great deal of satisfaction to elucidate on reasons for the decision. .
And why the "wee,cowerin ,timorous beasties," obeyed her every command and never failed to provide the consistent votes
needed for absolute power.
I was and still am a Councillor.
We govern ourselves by majority rule.
I respect the rule.There is no challenge here.
I may not, in conscience, or in law, heap coals of fire on the heads of those with whom I disagree.Nor they me.
Therefore, I cannot " accurately and adequately communicate the attitudes and decisions of the majority"without breaching the first rule.
Besides being a severe test of my vocabulary, barely adequate in acceptable language, it is not permissible for me to criticize the majority. Them's the rules.
The avenue open to me in a society governed by a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, is to state and re-state my position on a given issue, wherever and whenever the matter may be raised in public or private conversation.
Federally legislated, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms trumps a Municipal Code of Conduct in every respect.
I saw no reason why litter could not be collected and tree seedlings planted at that same time.
Subsequently, the electorate decided at first opportunity, if the attitude and decision of the majority was right.
I am content with that judgement.
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