Friday, April 13, 2012

A Page In History

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Poetic Justice":

Very productive comment 11:01.... I thought Evelyn would have more class than publishing personal attacks. Gallo's hair colour has nothing to do with his performance and this post should not have seen the light of day.

I guess the original poster is a picture perfect human specimen.

Just another cheap shot from those haters.


I don't think it was from a "hater" . But  normally I publish only political shots. When the comments  are coming  fast and furious, occasionally  something personal will slip through.

Sometimes a comment will combine  personal with  political and that makes the decision more problematic.

Generally speaking  few holds are barred in politics. In the years I have been involved , I am probably in the happy circumstance that everything  negative that could be said about me already has.
Former Councillor Mac Eachern's  letter  to the editor is an example of  an egregious personal attack. The letter excoriates  the Town's Mayor  and suggests he  does not share the community's  standard  that abuse of women and children and the elderly is  abhorrent.

How much more harm is created by that suggestion than a comment of the town's Number One Citizen, taken  completely out-of- context

The idea of Morris and MacEachern lying in wait for any   opportunity to abuse the Mayor  and using the unhappy plight of abused women and children to suit their purpose is hardly to their credit.

For several decades Yellow Brick House was the only Women's Shelter in York  Region. It wouldn't be there if  Aurora Council  had not stood firm against strong opposition. 

Council was  firm. Councillor Betty Pedersen and myself  took  a strong stance in support of the shelter.

It's a forgotten page of history, But  that's O.K.. The important thing is,  Aurora was  the first  to do more than pay lip service to an urgent  social need. .

We paved the way. For several decades the house on Wellington Street was the only shelter  in the entire Region.

Aurora can take pride in being in the forefront. Yellow Brick House has always enjoyed positive support in the community.Many new and improved services have quietly stemmed from the  Shelter being there.

More needs to be done. We should never lose sight of the goal



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