Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The $450,000 Question":
10 years x 450,000 is 4.5 million, Evelyn, not 10 million. Unless there is a half-million extra in there somewhere that you didn't mention?
It's not the same every year. Depends on the linear feet or metre being done..
Memory suggests some years have been considerably higher.
And the price was ten per cent higher to begin with.
If we hadn't discovered Newmarket has been getting a price ten per cent less than us, this year's contract would have been $495,000.
Lookit, we saved the taxpayers ten per cent this year with our acuity.
Whatever the total is, this outfit has done better than it should out of Aurora taxpayers.
To discover after ten years of contracts, our neighbour to the north was getting the same service for ten per cent less is a bitter pill to swallow.
The outrage is worth ten million whichever way you slice it.
Add that figure to the amount handed over to the Culture Pirates of Occupied Town Space of Church Street School, with no accountability to the people who pay the taxes and we come up with a figure in excess of a million.
A million here
A million there
Here a Mill
There a Mill
Everywhere a million mill.
Let anybody look me in the eye and tell me our town is fiscally efficient..
Month after month Council retains consultants to do work traditionally the responsibility of public works.
At the same time, we placidly accept that we need to spend $22 million dollars to increase accommodation for the same operation which we continually diminish by contracting work out.
The same rationale suggests a tube inserted into a pipe will prevent ground water from infiltrating into the pipe ,increasing the flow of sludge to its given destination without ever knowing how much ground water there is or how much sludge being diluted.
Now they are going to spend millions, a statement made in all seriousness in a public meeting, to develop a measurement to prove it has been worthwhile to spend billions in York Region to prevent ground water from infiltrating into sewer sludge.
Wouldn't surprise me either to hear the Region got an environmental award from the silly asses at Queen's Park for their environmental initiative. .
We are awfully big on winning awards
It proves how all-fired smart we are..
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