Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It Takes A Village

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Herein Lies A True Tale Of Irony":
Anon 9:26 AMYou just proved my point of what a waste a "Youth Centre" would be.
The point above has been made twice in two days.
The town paid for a consultant study which determined from input received ,the community feels a youth centre is needed.
Did my commenters respond to the request  for input?
Did they say no?
Despite all the expense and endeavour, consultant studies never get great  input from the community.
In a town of twenty five thousand adults, input of between ninety and a hundred respondents is considered excellent and far more than the norm.
I  anticipate, people in favour of a youth centre would be the ones providing input.
If those not in support do not respond, the favorables would be skewed as well as being hardly representative.
We have all been teen-agers. Nobody gets to be an adult without  having been a teen-ager.We know many are at risk.
I am not personally convinced a youth centre  monitored by adults, would draw in the ones the community thinks  needs to be watched by adults. 
I think we need to make a place where a kid in need of care and support would know to go. A coffee shop.With caring volunteers.
Not another recreation centre. 
I think, if only to protect public property, we should seriously consider a skate board park. That is not an inexpensive project.
Youth needs are included in  calculations for development charges.
There 's the source of funding. 
It's not unlimited. My concern is, we choose our priorities wisely and make best use of the funds .
Let's not talk about what we don't want. The funds are or should  be available and must be used.
Let's hear  about what's most needed and would serve the greater purpose.
It takes a village to raise a child.    

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