Monday, June 4, 2012

Filling In Some Blanks

Don't forget some of the other "players" in the neighbourhood at the time. A certain Mr Granger lives in the 'hood as well as the former CAO (now since moved away) Mr M N

The issue was not the access to the land but the enevitable increase of traffic as the two major north/south streets in the area became conduits to Bloomington or Bathurst.

The house was quite a structure. It included an indoor swimming pool and was situated in a stand of trees.
I didn't forget the other players. I never knew them.
I was fairly certain though Council wasn't guilty of what they were  accused.
It was then the enmity began between the old and the new and just grew and grew from thereon in.
I don't see how  traffic could  have increased to such an extent as to be a serious problem.
Thank you for filling in some of the blanks.

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