Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Poltics...How She Is Played

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Easy Peasy":


You can view the AYSC financial statements on their website, in plain view for all. There is mention of prior questionable accounting practices there. All under executive and management that are no longer with the club, but have influence with other sporting bodies throughout Aurora and with our town. If you read through all the reports from AYSC you can get a better feel where the club sits now.
Both sides, right?
Absolutely right. Thank you for the information.
I  twice published the comment  from the AYSC member whose family  coached for several generations, were familiar with    problems of the past, how things  have  changed and that the house is being brought into order 
I thought  it  was important for people to know. 
I knew something of how things were before.  People tell me things. 
Not being  a member of the Association, there was nothing I could do.
Change had to come from within.
I know people in the community who will be relieved to know  things  have  changed and  continue to evolve for the better.
Opportunity  for additional  soccer fields was lost in  2010 when work on the multi- use field at the Stronach Centre was left unfinished,
Stimulus funds would have paid for  two thirds of the "shovel-ready" project.
But there were other priorities for that Council
Had  grading  been completed while the heavy equipment was on  site,  soccer fields would have been  there.
Two thirds of the cost  would have been paid  with Federal stimulus funds..It's worth repeating.
After creating  public controversy and opposition to the project 
because of  the estimates, Council's great thrust  then had to be to bring the project in  at less than the estimates. Even the ball diamond wasn't finished  as it should have been.
That's how politics interfere with  the job being done properly.
It's happening again.
We  just completed, at great expense, another artificial turf facility at St Maximillian Kolbe High School  Those things are freaking expensive.
Our funds, the board's  facility.
A good deal.
With hardly had  time to catch our breath, Council is being hustled to borrow another $1.4 million for the same purpose.
If the vote goes through, the Mayor will no doubt be a shining hero 
to some of his friends. 
Not to all.


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