Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Answers To Questions Asked

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "J' Accuse":

Where is this Bulk Barn facility going to be?
Bulk Barn is buying twenty four acres of land the town has for sale. It was purchased for recreation use during the 200/2003 term of Council.It is located next to the new police building/headquarters on Don Hillock Dive. Not sure if that will be the address. The site has frontage on Hwy 404.but of course no access.
A site plan has been approved that will accommodate a warehouse facility and the head office .The owner is a resident of Aurora. Bulk Barn retail facilities are franchisees.
The operation has potential for growth . the site  allows  for expansion. I understand  that is the intention.
Jobs cited are 400. The greater number are office staff. Bulk Barn is currently situated in Richmond Hill.
Staff will be transferring with the company.. However ,our employee statistics will improve and there will be future job opportunities. 
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ontario Heritage Has Title Free and Clear":

OK, so we are still looking to see if Aurora might already hold a suitable place for the tree seedlings. In the past year, a group of homeowners complained to Council that there was a land-locked piece of property in their midst that was an oasis for teens late at night. And that the teens were noisy, left a mess and damaged neighbourhood parked cars. When council really began to look at the bit of land, the neighbours backed off and said it was just fine.
Can you recall where that parcel was, Evelyn A bunch of baby trees might suit the people in neighbouring houses and reduce the collection of teens . I think it was just a building lot.
At the beginning of the last term ,former Councillor MacEachern persuaded Council to add ,I think, $250,000 to the budget to create a playground on  the former site of a water tower.
The water tower was long gone and the property had been exchanged with the Region for a piece at the well property abutting  to the community centre on Aurora Heights Drive.
The property was an acre with housing all around.
Some of the neighbours in the Mosaic townhouse development had been complaining about it being a hang-out for teenagers but changed their minds  with the prospect it might be a good site for a multiple housing unit.There was no interest in a playground either but it wasn't a good place anyway since it was closed off from view.
So there it sits. A potential for a multiple unit building. Could be for Habitat for Humanity. I am only interested in donating a site to Haibitat to build rental units for families. 
Without talking to parks staff,  I don't believe it would be a good place for a tree nursery.
Breaking branches off  newly planted trees on Henderson Drive  seemed  to be an irresistible impulse for some people. I tend to think teen-agers. Not all of course . But enough to persuade me a tree nursery would not thrive in that location.


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