Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "First Letter..My Response..The MAYOR'S RESPONSE":
It is unfortunate that meetings of General Committee are not recorded for public viewing. If they are, where does one obtain access to same?
Minutes of Council and General Committee meetings are no doubt factually correct but do not reflect the discussion and debate that occurs. And unless there is a request for a recorded vote the voting by individual councillors is never known. Another most unsatisfactory situation.
Evelyn, you are the only source of much that transpires at meetings of our elected representatives. And occasionally you make a mistake. A video recording is the only faithful and accurate source of information.
In this age of communication and technology wizardry, why can't the town provide this service, and probably at very little cost, through their Communications Department?
It is extremely frustrating to watch from the sidelines while the expenditure of millions of taxpayer dollars is being discussed, debated and voted on, without a clue as to who said what.
Can you please bring this matter before the next Council meeting on June 26? Thank you.
Stephanie,Cheyene and Abigail have taken Mickie the dog out for walk. When they come back I will ask Stephanie about making the print larger.
I asked about getting Council on utube during Tim Jones' last term in office. I was told the proper term is streaming the meetings.
I have asked several times since and on Tuesday night we had a gigantic screen on the floor behind the Council table.
There was a message on the monitors about visitors in the chamber being able to get a password if they would like to participate.
I have no idea what that meant. Can't for the life of me think why people on hand during a Council meeting would need a password
or how they could participate.
The agenda was huge There was a report on the program. The screen had to do with making the new service.available but there were so many items to deal with and so many not dealt with, we didn't deal with it.
I hope it means people at home will be able to follow Council and Council in committee at a time of their choosing on their own computer ..
People who are not on the internet will not be able to avail themselves. It's a six months trial and the first two months will be during the summer recess. The trial is to cost $7,500 for six months.
We should be able to get a full explanation of how it works on Tuesday at Council .
I expect it to be approved. It's just too bad the first two months will be limited opportunity to put it to the test.
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