Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Pot Of Gold":
I don't think Tim's idea to re-distribute the fund is crazy at all. Who's money is it in the first place?
When the Town Hall was built, growth was forseen but has that growth been the reason for the space issues? Things change in the way business is conducted. When the Town Hall was created, was there a computer on everyone's desk? I don't think that you can attribute the growth of the Town to the increase of space usage at Town Hall.
I also think that splitting Town employess across multiple locations (as you infer with the old Hydro building) would not be the best solution either. I can tell you first hand that there are breakdowns in efficiencies when you have multiple locations.
I would wager that the employees that are currently dealing with "growth" will not be going anywhere when we reach the limit of growth. That is a hard pill to swallow. If you are telling those people right now that they are in a temporary full time position, I would not be surprised that they would start looking for something instead of the uncertain position they currently enjoy.
This comment would be from a municipal employee. Councillors have heard the argument.. It has no merit.
A person with a secure job, would not likely apply for a contract position.Unless they had a friend in court.
A person without employment would likely apply.
Contract employment is better than none.
A contract employee who acquits well has an edge should a future opportunity arise.
If not, they have gained useful experience and a reference to stand them well in future applications.
If my correspondent is a contract employee of the town my advice would be to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are better off than many.
Upward mobility is every person's right.
All employees are hired on probation. It allows for evaluation of work habits before granting the protection of full time status.
Employee benefits are a significat part of the cost of municipal service.
We have an example of an employee fulfilling two functions in different locations. I can\'t believe it is efficient.
It has nothing to do with contract status.
A person in charge of maintenance of a facility has a completely different function in another location.
It came about as a result of re-organisation.recommended by a consultant and adopted by the last Council.
I will not be persuaded the purpose was anything but political
My grand-daughter thinks Ispend too much time responding to comments and it has changed the character of the blog.
She may be right.
Part of my purpose is to create a picture of the political dynamcs of a small town. It is a world unto itself.
And to encourage anyone who may be interested, the job is worthwhile. .
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