Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Less You Know":
The Town does not pay the taxes (except the York Region portion perhaps)that you cite. It simply writes off the receivable. However, it looks good for your cause.
Here's what I know about the Legion and taxes.
Business complained to the government about unfair competition from Legions in the catering business because they do not pay property tax..
The Federal government is responsible for Veteran's Services. The Province is responsible for property taxes.
So,which ever one was responsible made the decision to pass the decision on the Legion paying taxes, to the Regions to decide.
York Region decided there should be no change.
It means the Region gets its cut of Legion taxes, paid to them by the town.
The Board of Education gets its cut of Legion taxes from the Town
On the books, Legion taxes are shown as paid. The Town takes funds from general revenue and pays the Region and the Board of Education and of course, receives no share itself.
In effect, local business provides employment, contributes to the local economy, pay taxes and a share of Legion taxes who are competing with them for local business.
These facts I have learned from speaking to people in the know in the municipal tax business. I have that access.
In the meantime old soldiers do die and veterans are fewer on the ground. Legion services were scant recognition of the sacrifices made by Canadians during World War 1 and 2.
If you weren't there you have no idea.
I am not citing things for ' my cause" I am providing information
to people who might have an interest but never a reason to ask.
I think it's good for people to be informed about town business.
I don't know a reason to be coy about it .
In Aurora ,we have two buildings on Legion property whose taxes we are carrying.
They have water and sewers, fire and police protection. Garbage pick-up and snow plowing and lit road access to their property. Soon they will have sidewalks on both sides of their street. I'm not sure if they are billed for water and sewer service but I do know they don't pay for any of the rest of it.
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