Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Secret Anxiety

Recently I asked for a report on  cost of a repair  on my street.An observer had observed manpower and equipment  which appeared  excessive for  what seemed to be a relatively small project. I recalled a purchase of $444,000 software approved by Council  in November 2011. From the purpose explained,  I thought it should provide all  details necessary to explain to my watchful neighbour what she had observed.
Ah pauvre moi.
Turned out it didn't. The program is not yet up and running. 
Even more recently I sought from various venues an update on the status of the program .
The table below is a memorandum circulated ,to be on Council's agenda on  July 17th '
Readers will note total cost of the project is $758,000.
It first appeared as a budget item in January 2007.
A staff report  was  received  in  August 2010. 
As can be seen from the table the project is not expected to be completed until 2014.
Now I must confess the source of my anxiety.
I have heard  the same program was implemented  by the Region of York. 
I have heard it has been abandoned. 
The program  requires employees in the field to provide feed back with  computer hardware all  details of  work orders when completed.
Computer operator functions added to the physical labour of  work orders in the field have  proven to be neither practical nor feasible.
I am not sure, under the circumstances, if anyone would be  willing to  confirm  the rumour ..
The cost thus far in Aurora is $758,000. 
The Region's cost would have to be multiplied many times .It would undoubtedly be in the millions.
A  waste of public resources in  horrendous proportions.
Not something the Region would be happy to proclaim.
Nor Aurora either.   

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