Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Pyramid Scheme Aurora Style": To Anonymous 11:19....

"Negative and skewed"??? Your post is certainly positive and not skewed at all! NOT...

.I would not be astonished at the backgrounds of some of Evelyn's readers. Not sure what that has to do with anything however. I've met some of Evelyn's readers. Not astonished at all. The Town is full of interesting and impressive people. You'd be astonished at my background if you took of the blinders long enough to look. The comment about shady dealings being more common today is a reality. This is not the same little Town that Evelyn waxes on about. We have developers, we have power-seeking councillors, we have lobbyists trying to get their causes heard. This is the way things are done now. We cannot continue living in the past (except a number of the readers here want to). Evelyn talks about politics being a game... I disagree with the analogy but if it is a game, the rules are changed. Either get in a play with the big boys or get out.
I  came to Aurora with the second largest subdivision built in the town's history. 
Except for  when I was Mayor, when the Province froze our growth, development has been constant.
Councillors have always sought to influence  decisions.. Why else would they  be politicians?
Residents  with vested interests always sought their own interests.
Why would someone who came lately, imagine they understand more about change in the town than I do?
It's an interesting question  often repeated.
Why do  younger people feel free to patronize  people who are  older ?
How juvenile is that?
What are the rules referenced that I need to get with or get out??
Is it suggested Councillorsare subject to different pressures today  therefore personal integrity is no longer a factor in politics?
Is there something I don't know  about politicians after a lifetime in politics?
The Mayor and eight Councillors engage regularly and  listen critically to separate slants of debate.
 Somehow that makes me sublimely unaware.
Pish Tosh and Balderdash!!!!
The biggest scandal  in these parts in recent times was  a  Councillor in Richmond Hill who bought golf clubs with an allowance provided  by the municipality. He said  it was less expensive than renting them when he was obliged to play in charity golf tournaments.
It recalls a comment by a Councillor in my first years in office, who lamented the hardship of spending hours in smoke- filled rooms at conferences. He was talking about the Good Roads Association. He  smoked black cigars and played poker.
The second  modern scandal  is of  a Newmarket Councillor, leaving a  public reception, fully tanked, getting behind the wheel of  his car and bumping into another.
He didn't hurt anyone. But he could have. 
He pleaded guilty as charged . He's been doing his best to make amends ever since while being continually taunted by a  virtuous colleague. 
Whether he will be excused  by the voters will not be determined until the next election.
It's his burden to  carry.
Maybe the voters will let him off for time served.
In Aurora, Councillors are  virtuous and well-intentioned to the point of  obsequious.  It's positively nauseating.
Last night we almost voted to hold  two committee meetings in 
school venues for students to see how it's done to stimulate their  interest in politics .
I think it would have  the opposite effect.
We  did vote to encourage  town employees to go to an underdeveloped country and help out with  government problems.
God help them! 
I think we would do ourselves a  bigger favour by not permitting Councillor Pirri to attend any more FCM conferences by himself.
I didn't say it of course. 
The Mayor was already peeved by my lack of enthusiasm for what he believes are good ideas.
We have  our share of sheep dressed in wolves clothing. 
A roustabout  rascal would show well  in  contrast.   

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