Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Brief Summary And Tally":
And........ ??
We know all this already.
Time to re-focus on Evelyn I guess - Grossi has had enough of this blog for now.
The Blog has a new audience. Georgina residents have had a rude awakening to events. Aurora has already been through this experience. We can share.
Residents need to approach their Council to protect their interest. They need to convince them to reverse the decision to fund Mayor Grossi's personal legal costs.
In Aurora , an election intervened. The new Council reversed the decision but not before $65,000 had already been spent. As it turned out for no purpose, useful or otherwise.
It was not a solitary event. It was the culmination of a succession of events throughout a term that went from bad to worse.
Georgina Council has three more years to serve. People need to act. They should not accept financial responsibility for personal litigation undertaken by the Mayor.
When Aurora Council voted for the weasel worded motion, they had no idea what was intended
Georgina doesn't have an election in the offing to allow voters to decide the matter..
If it continues for three years, God knows what legal costs will be on both sides.
What I saw of the R.O.C facility on television, it looks spectacular. . If it's going to cost to iron out problems, that's where money needs to be spent.
I don't know any municipality that can afford to spend taxpayers' money to compensate for what it would cost every time a fragile political ego is assailed.
Four year terms for municipal government has reduced voters rights substantially.
Just appealing to the Mayor to think again would not be out of place. Georgina should not be tearing themselves apart. They need to be working together to get over this hump...pardon the pun
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