Before gale force winds blew down from Georgina carrying all kinds of familiar flotsam and jetsam the Heritage Act was being referenced in our political circle. I will get back to it.
First it should be said, a Mayor doesn't have to defend him/herself for having big ideas.
They just have to turn out well. Full credit is accorded if it does. A different result, if not.
Putting the Blame on Mame doesn't cut it. No politician worth his salt blames .They bite the bullet.
Standing at the corner of Wellington and Yonge years ago, looking west at the chaos of re-construction,a municipal solicitor told me once, "If you want a career in politics Evelyn, you won't do anything. If you want to get things done, you won't have a career in politics"
He was partly right.
Stuff happened during the last term of Aurora Council to ensure a negative outcome.
An e-mail was forwarded by a councillor to the solicitor for a client appealing a town decision.
Councillors are bound by Oath of Office to protect the municipality.Under Federal law, Breach of Trust is a criminal offence. The Councillor had difficulty accepting the stricture. The town solicitor, obliged to advise found other employment.
A Code of Conduct was custom designed to serve a purpose other than integrity.
Complaint costing $70,000 legal fees filed,trumpets blaring. A negative decision, Number One Commissioner fired the day following.
New Commissioner after a private meeting with the Mayor, second complaint filed, same target. Half- assed decision never to be referred to again.Cost $40,000.
Still another complaint filed and withdrawn
The same probationary employee coerced to file additional complaint of harassment in the work place. Cost unknown.
Finally..... litigation....and a town insurance provided defence.
Following that, failed litigation against three families costing to date, $65000 of public resources. Cost to families unknown at this time.
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